Birding is for everyone and Lahontan Audubon Society is pleased to offer bird walks with an American Sign Language interpreter to share the world of birds and birding with the Deaf community. Virginia Lake - Monday, May 23 - 8-10 am This will be an easy walk along a paved path around an urban lake with nice, close up views of some of our waterfowl species. We'll be looking for Black-crowned Night Herons along the shore and spring migrants in the trees. Meet at the parking lot at the intersection of Lakeside Dr and Lymbery St. Rancho San Rafael - Monday, June 20 - 8-10 am Located next to the University of Reno, Rancho San Rafael Park offers open green space with well-maintained pathways along slightly rolling terrain. We will explore the paths of the Arboretum and look for a variety of birds at Herman's Pond, along the marsh and riparian areas. Meet at the parking lot by the Wilbur D. May Center near the Washington St. gate. Spooner Lake Loop - Monday, July 18 - 8-10 am
We will walk the flat 2.5 mile loop trail around Spooner Lake, through meadows, forest, and aspen groves. Osprey fish the lake. Three species of nuthatches, Stellar's Jay, Clark's Nutcracker, Brown Creeper, and Mountain Chickadee are resident species, as are Red-breasted and William's Sapsuckers, and Downy, Hairy, and White-headed Woodpeckers. Parking Fee $10 for NV residents, $15 for our of state. |
January 2025