Please email our Education Chair, Alan Gubanich, if you can help out with any of these events! Sunday Sep 29, 2024, 7:00 am - 1:00 pm - Riverside Farmer's Market Contact: Please contact Patty Moen if you can volunteer for this event. Location: Idlewild Park, 1735 Shadow Park Dr., Reno Description: Tabling booth at the Riverside Farmer's Market to help sell books donated from the John Davis collection. Meet new people, let them know about Lahontan Audubon Society, and have fun browsing the market stalls while you are there! Food trucks on site. Setup is at 7am and take down is at 1 pm. There will be a bird walk around the park at 10 am. Wednesday Oct 2, 2024, 8:45am - 3:45pm - Donner Trail Elementary Location: 52755 Donner Pass Road, Soda Springs, CA 95728 Event: River Day Description: Volunteer at a bird station table to show students about the birds that might be found around the Soda Springs area. Bird taxidermy mounts can be checked out for use at the Galena Creek Visitor Center or Rosewood Nature Study Area. Groups of up to 10 students will rotate through the bird station and other stations on this day. Table time with the students lasts about 30 minutes per group. Sunday Oct 13, 2024, 8:00 - 10:00 am - Swan Lake Nature Study Area Location: Off Lear Blvd. (see map) Event: Discover Our Parks with Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation Description: We are looking for a volunteer to talk about Swan Lake and the birds that are found there and also volunteers to help lead participants on a walk to look for birds along the trail and boardwalk. Taxidermy birds may be used for the talk portion in the outdoor pavilion as an option. Thursday Oct 24, 9:00am - 3:10pm - Fernley Intermediate School Location: 320 Falcon Dr, Fernley, NV 89408 Event: Outdoor Day Description: Volunteer at one of two tables. This is an annual event at the school and LAS has been there every year. The event is held in Fernley, around the school's outdoor track. Several organizations have tables and displays and the kids move from station to station. Each class (usually about 20 to 25 students, plus 1 or 2 teachers) move from one station to the next, spending about 30 or 35 minutes at each station. FREE lunch for volunteers! Table 1 includes bird mounts and skins of birds found around Fernley. Table 2 includes the bird identification activity with binoculars. Multiple volunteers are needed for this event! Upcoming in October, date not yet set, 1:00 - 3:00 pm M, W, or F - Gardnerville Health and Rehabilitation Location: 1573 Muller Parkway in Gardnerville Event: Bird Talk (your subject choice!) Description: We are looking for volunteers to give talks about birds to the residents of this skilled nursing facility. Residents have a keen interest in the local birds. Talks would be 45 min. - 1 hour in length. We are hoping to have volunteers give talks once a month or so, pending availability. Alan has a laptop and projector for loan as needed. Fall School Talk opportunity, date not yet set, sometime during school hours Location: Private School in Incline Village (contact Alan for details) Event: Owls! Description: The students will be learning about owls this Fall and we need a volunteer to lead or help Alan with an owl talk for the students. Lahontan Audubon Society volunteers - opening the world of birds to our children!
January 2025