Thank you to everyone who participated in our recent program survey. We appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback with us and we will be working hard make our programs align with the responses we received. See the full results below. While our monthly meetings are currently being held virtually, we recognize that in the past there has been a social component to these events. Please rate the following in terms of your attendance at our monthly meetings. Please select your preference for the meeting format: Considering current health and safety restrictions, what is your interest in in-person meetings? (Check all that apply) We try to recruit a variety of speakers and topics for our monthly meetings. Please rate your level of interest in the following topics: How do you find out about upcoming LAS events and opportunities? (check all that apply) Currently, we are sending email updates every other week with upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and news. How often would you like to receive emails from LAS? In what areas would you like to see LAS prioritize its activities? Tell us about your interest in and knowledge of LAS Education programs (check all that apply) Tell us about your interest in and knowledge of LAS Conservation programs (check all that apply) We are working to increase our field trip availability. Please indicate your level of interest in the following types of field trips (check all that apply): Lahontan Audubon and National Audubon each have separate membership programs, which best describes your membership? If you are a member of Lahontan Audubon, how long have you been a member? Your Age: Which best describes your ethnicity?
December 2024