By Jeff Bleam
This walk was along the Carson River with Riparian, Sagebrush, and Ranch habitats. While meeting up we heard HOUSE WREN, MAGPIE, KESTREL, and a RED-TAILED HAWK. We walked along the river and saw and heard nothing for over a 1/2 hour but when we reached the Mexican Ditch things changed. In this section it is where there is a diversion runoff from the ditch and we found WOOD PEWEE and WESTERN TANAGER. As we approached the Dam we came across Warblers: YELLOW, WILSON'S, and after reviewing photos a NASHVILLE. Shortly after the Warblers, we came across a herd of Sparrows: SAGEBRUSH, BLACK-THROATED with many immature, and BREWERS with young. I like this walk for the good possibility of seeing Jays. We saw CA SCRUB JAYS and many PINYON JAYS and after the walk I was able to photograph what look like an immature calling. We also saw Monarchs and a Praying Mantis and ended the walk with 35 species. Good day.
It would not be possible to do all the work we do without our dedicated volunteers. Your service is a huge gift to us and we want to make sure that we have a full account of volunteer hours donated to LAS. Reporting your hours helps us to apply for grants, properly recognize our volunteers' contributions, and report back to our funders. We are wrapping up reporting for our last fiscal year (7/1/21-6/30/22) and need everyone to please report their hours. If you have any questions about reporting volunteer hours, please contact Jennie.
Fall migration is almost upon us! We are looking for volunteers who are interested in coordinating some birding walks so we can share fall migration with more people in our community. You don’t have to be an expert birder to lead a walk, just someone who is familiar with a local birding spot and interested in learning. If you want to find out more about leading or co-leading a birding walk, please send a message to our Field Trip Committee.
For the past two years, Parker Flickinger has served as our Community Engagement and Marketing Coordinator VISTA. Parker has been an amazing addition to our team, developing our Birding by Bus program, welcoming new field trip volunteers, hosting auditory bird walks with Nevada Federation for the Blind, and spreading his passion for birds to everyone he meets. Parker has also been the voice behind our social media accounts and created our YouTube channel where we share our presentations and educational programs. His enthusiasm and energy will be missed and we wish Parker the best as he pursues a graduate degree. Thanks for everything, Parker!!!
We have new officers on our Board of Trustees. Huge thank you to our outgoing president, David Jickling, and outgoing secretary, Suzie Reynolds. Though neither of them will be going far! Suzie was elected as the new president of our organization and David was elected to fill the Vice President seat that has been vacant for the past year. Mike Goddard was elected to serve as secretary and Bill Fletcher has agreed to stay on as our treasurer. The rest of our board is filled out by Brendan Bucy, Rose Strickland, Bri Usdrowski, and our newest board members, Sally Bates, and Lauren Whitenack. Please join us in thanking this dedicated group of volunteers for their service. We do have some committee chair roles that we are looking to fill. If you are interested in leading any of our committees please fill out a volunteer interest form.
January 2025