2018 N. Nevada and Nearby Area Christmas Bird Counts
Meet other birders, count birds, have some fun! We'd love to have you participate in these fun annual Citizen Science events. Below are all Northern Nevada and nearby Eastern Sierra Christmas Bird Counts. Please contact the leaders to participate in this year's bird count. DECEMBER 14, 2018 Fallon CBC, Fallon, NV When: FRIDAY, December 14, 2018, 7:00a.m. to 5:00p.m Where: Meet at Telegraph Coffee in Fallon (On the East end of the shopping center near Jerry's Map: http://bit.ly/2RjWUqh Contact for more information: Dave McNinch, 775-747-7545, please do not call after 9:00 pm. Description: Meet at Telegraph Coffee and Tap (adjacent to Jerry's restaurant) in Fallon at 7:00 a.m. Information on the post-count tally will be provided at the meeting place. For more count information, contact compiler Dave McNinch at (775) 747-7545. Please do not call after 9:00 p.m. Fallon Count Circle Sierra Valley CBC, Sierra Valley, CA Plumas Audubon Society When: Friday, December 14, 2018, 7a.m. - 5p.m. Where: Fork and Horn Restaurant in Sierraville Map: http://bit.ly/2RkVuvG Contact for more information: RSVP is required to Colin Dillingham, 530-394-8129, or [email protected] Sierra Valley Count Circle DECEMBER 15, 2018 Truckee Meadows CBC When: SATURDAY, December 15, 2018, 7a.m. - 5p.m. Where: Meet at the McDonalds located at Silverada Blvd. and Oddie Blvd. in Reno Map: http://bit.ly/2P1s83h Contact for more information: Dave McNinch, 775-747-7545, please do not call after 9:00 pm. Description:Meet at the McDonalds located at Silverada Blvd. and Oddie Blvd. in Reno at 7:00 a.m. There will be a post-count tally and potluck. Information will be provided at the meeting place. For more count information, contact compiler Dave McNinch at (775) 747-7545. Please do not call after 9:00 p.m. Truckee Meadows Count Circle Elko CBC, Elko, NV Bristlecone Audubon Society When: Saturday, December 15, 2018 Description: Elko CBC will be held on Saturday, Dec. 15th. Contact for more information: Lois Ports at 775-753-2569 or [email protected] for further information. Elko Count Circle American Valley CBC, Quincy, CA Plumas Audubon Society When: Saturday, December 15, 2018, 7:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Where: Midtown Coffee, 231 Main St., Quincy, CA Map: http://bit.ly/2AyGSld Contact for more information: Darrel Jury, 530-616-1461 Description: The American Valley CBC is on Saturday December 15th. We meet at 7am at Midtown Coffee, 231 Main Street, Quincy, CA and wrap up around 4:30pm at the Drunk Brush Wine Bar to swap stories and compile results. American Valley Count Circle DECEMBER 16, 2018 Carson City CBC, Carson City, NV Lahontan Audubon Society When: Sunday, December 16, 2018, 7am – 5pm Where: Burger King, 3589 N Carson St, Carson City, NV 89706, USA MAP: http://bit.ly/2RUNv8j Contact for more information: Rob Lowry, rlowry517 at aol.com Description: The 2018 Carson City Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will take place on Sunday, December 16th. We will meet at 7 AM at the Burger King across the street and a little north from the old McDonald's in northern Carson City (on the southeast corner of W. College Parkway and N. Carson Street) before dispersing into the count area. The "tally rally" potluck dinner again will be at Rob Lowry's house in east Carson City at the end of the day. If you know now that you plan on participating in the Carson City CBC, please e-mail Rob Lowry (rlowry517 at aol.com) privately with your name or names of other participants. Rob will send out reminder e-mails the closer we get to that date. Contact: Rob Lowry, rlowry517 at aol.com Carson City CBC Circle South Lake Tahoe CBC, South Lake Tahoe, Ca Tahoe Institute of Natural Science When: Sunday, December 16, 2018, 8 a.m. - Where: Alpina Coffee Cafe, 822 Emerald Bay Rd, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 MAP: http://bit.ly/2zcKGsr Contact for more information: Sarah Hockensmith at [email protected] To register, click here. Description: The 2018 South Lake Tahoe CBC has been scheduled for Sunday, 16 December. Barring a significant winter storm, we will hold the count on that date. We will meet at Alpina Coffee Cafe at 8:00 am. We will bird at Cove East as a group and then split into groups to bird at other areas. A pizza party, complementary of TINS will conclude the day South Lake Tahoe CBC Circle Jarbidge CBC, N. Elko County When: Sunday, December 16, 2017 Contact for more information: Karl Ruprecht, 208 749 1395 or [email protected] Description: Jarbidge CBC In Northern Elko County is December 16th this year. Feel free to contact Karl Ruprecht at 208 749 1395 or [email protected] if anyone needs more information. DECEMBER 18, 2018 Snake Valley CBC When: Tuesday, December 18, 2018, 7:30a.m. Where: Great Basin Resource Classroom in Baker, NV (This is in the building next to the Great Basin Visitor Center.) Map: http://bit.ly/2DLAs5m Contact for more information: Gretchen Baker, [email protected] Description: The Snake Valley Christmas Bird Count (CBC) will be held Tuesday, December 18, 2018. We welcome counters of all experience levels, and for whatever time you can spare that day. We have several routes, including Lehman Creek, Baker Creek, Pole Canyon, Kious Basin, Snake Creek, Pruess Lake, Garrison and Baker, and more. Some of the routes are mostly driving, some are mostly hiking/snow shoeing/cross country skiing, and some are a mix. We generally see between 45-50 different species of birds combined from all the routes. The most common birds seen are mallards, European starlings, horned larks, Brewer's blackbirds, and pinyon jays. We will be meeting at the Great Basin Resource Classroom in Baker at 7:30 a.m. on December 18 to divvy up routes. (This is in the building next to the Great Basin Visitor Center.) Bring warm clothes, binoculars and field guides (we have some extras), lunch, water, and snacks. We'll have soup in a crock pot ready for you when you come back in from counting. If you'd like to attend, please let know, so we can plan accordingly: Gretchen Baker, [email protected] DECEMBER 19, 2018 Hart Mountain Refuge CBC When: Wednesday, December 19, 2018 Where:Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge, Oregon Contact for more information: Laurel Kullerud <[email protected]> , 541-947-2731 Description: The Hart Mountain CBC is scheduled for December 19th If you'd like to volunteer for Hart Mtn, please contact Laurel Kullerud <[email protected]> , 541-947-2731, who is organizing the Hart Mtn count. This count date will make it easy, if you wish to also volunteer for the count on Sheldon NWR (see December 21 info). We'll have a full day to travel between refuges, do some birding and enjoy the spectacular high desert scenery in between. Both refuges are offering free lodging with kitchen facilities for volunteers. Hart Mountain Refuge Count Circle DECEMBER 20, 2018 Ely CBC, Ely, NV BLM When: Thursday, December 20, 2018 Contact for more information: Nancy Herms, 775-289-1838, Wildlife Biologist, Bureau of Land Management, Ely District - Bristlecone Field Office, 702 North Industrial Way, Ely, Nevada 89301 Ely Count Circle Eagle Lake CBC, Susanville, CA When: Thursday, December 20, 2018, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Where: Kopper Kettle Cafe, 2535 Main St., Susanville, CA Map: http://bit.ly/2FJO6bC Contact for more information: Frank Hall, 530-257-2957, [email protected] Description: Meet at the Kopper Kettle Café, 2535 Main Street at 6 AM on count day. For post-count compilation at 6 PM, I have reserved a private meeting room at the Pizza Factory, 2975 Main Street, Susanville. We will assign count segments at the Kopper Kettle in the morning with your preferences in mind. Places to stay: Each of these is perfectly OK but I cannot suggest one in particular. Best Western (Sure Stay Plus) 2785 Main St. 530-257- 4123 Super 8, 2975 Johnstonville Rd., 530-250-3632 Red Lion (former Hi Country Inn) 3015 Riverside Dr. 866-454 – 4566 Honey Lake CBC, on following day, Friday, December 21, 2018 meets same place as those above for the Eagle Lake CBC. Places to stay are also the same. If we can provide any additional information, please feel free to contact: Frank Hall, 530-257-2957, [email protected] DECEMBER 21, 2018 Honey Lake CBC, When: Friday, December 21, 2018, 6a.m.(sharp) – 6p.m. Where: Kopper Kettle Cafe, 2535 Main St., Susanville, CA Map: http://bit.ly/2FJO6bC Contact for more information: Matt Forster, at email: [email protected] telephone: 619-347-2269 Description: Meet at the Kopper Kettle Café, 2535 Main Street at 6 AM (sharp) on count day. For post-count compilation at 6 PM, I have reserved a table at the Lassen Ale Works Pioneer Saloon, 725 Main Street in Susanville. We will assign count segments at the Kopper Kettle in the morning with your preferences in mind. Please dress warm and bring extra layers. It should be quite cold!!! Places to stay: I have stayed at the Super 8 each of the last few times that I have joined this count. I've listed a couple other options as well. Best Western (Sure Stay Plus) 2785 Main St. 530-257- 4123 Super 8,2975 Johnstonville Rd., 530-250-3632 Red Lion (former Hi Country Inn) 3015 Riverside Dr. 866-454 – 4566 . If we can provide any additional information, please feel free to contact:Matt Forster at619-347-2269 or email: [email protected] Honey Lake Count Circle Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge CBC When: Friday, December 21, 2018 Where: Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge MAP: http://bit.ly/2FEx66J Contact for more information: Joel Geier, 541-745-5821, email: [email protected]) Description: This count circle is located in the northwest corner of Humboldt County. Along with sagebrush, canyon and rimrock habitats typical of the northern Great Basin, this count features the hot-spring-fed Dufurrena Ponds, which are a magnet for wintering waterfowl, rails, and songbirds. Winter regulars include Golden Eagles, Prairie Falcons, Horned Larks, Canyon Wrens, and Loggerhead Shrikes. American Tree Sparrows and Northern Shrikes are also likely. Greater Sage-Grouse are resident in the circle, though so far we've only found tracks. The resident scrub-jays have also been elusive, leaving the question "California or Woodhouse's?" open for another year. Thanks to the refuge management, free lodging is available at the refuge bunkhouse for volunteers, for the nights before and after the count (afternoon of December 20th through morning of December 22nd). The bunkhouse has a very well-equipped kitchen with twin stoves, a comfortable "living room/commons" area, excellent restrooms with showers, and enough bedrooms that usually everyone who wants one can have their own room. There is also a separate double-wide house that we can use if we get more volunteers. Last year we did a potluck both nights and everyone enjoyed that, so we'll plan on that again. Please contact the compiler, Joel Geier (tel +1 541 745-5821, e-mail: [email protected]) for more information and updates. Sheldon NWR Count Circle JANUARY 1, 2017 Pyramid Lake CBC When: Tuesday, New Year’s Day, January 1, 2019 7a.m.-5p.m. Where:We will meet at Crosby's in Sutcliffe at 7:00 am. Map: http://bit.ly/2FEpAZl Contact for more information: Dennis Serdehely, [email protected], 775-771-1571 Description: There will be a compilation dinner at Dennis and Becca’s house in Fernley after the count. Directions will be in everyone’s packet. Please call Dennis ahead of time (see contact information for Dennis above) to indicate that you will be joining the count so he can plan and so he will have your contact information if necessary. Pyramid Lake Count Circle JANUARY 5, 2019 Minden CBC When: Saturday January 5, 2019, 7a.m.-5p.m. Where: Meet at the Nature Conservancy Whit Center on the River Fork Ranch, located on the south side of Genoa Lane about 2-1/2 miles west of Hwy 395 (1.5 miles east of downtown Genoa). Map:http://bit.ly/2BzGlkz Contact for more information: Jim Woods, Owner, Birding Under Nevada Skies, [email protected], 775-720-7009 (c) Description: We will be starting at the Nature Conservancy Whit Center at the River ForkRanch for the Count Kickoff coffee and donuts and for the pot luck tally dinner at 5:00pm to wrap up the day (kitchen facilities are available). This will bring the two major conservation outfits, The Nature Conservancy and the Audubon Society, together for a day of birding in Douglas County. Help the Audubon Society and The Nature Conservancy bring in a new year on the last day of the National CBC. Spread the word and call me to verify you’re coming. There will be a Feeder Watch for those of you that do not want the field work. Contact Jim Woods for information on the Feeder Watch. Contact for more information: Jim Woods, Owner, Birding Under Nevada Skies, [email protected], 775-720-7009 (c) Minden Count Circle |
January 2025