Each winter, dedicated birders around the country participate in Christmas Bird Counts (CBC), organized by the National Audubon Society. These counts provide a snapshot each year of the birds and their numbers from around the country.
Christmas Bird Count Dates are listed below with contact information if you would like to volunteer. Please do not call after 8:00 pm! Dec. 14 - Thursday - Fallon - Contact: Dave McNinch Dec. 14 - Thursday - Hart Mountain - Due to the remote location of this bird count, please contact the leader, Joel Geier, to arrange for pre-night bunkhouse stay and directions. Dec. 15 - Friday - South Lake Tahoe - Register on the Tahoe Institute for Natural Science website. Dec. 16 - Saturday - Reno - There will be a tally session at the end of the day. Contact: Dave McNinch Dec. 16 - Saturday - Sierra Valley - Contact: Darrel Jury Dec. 16 - Saturday - Sheldon - Due to the remote location of this bird count, please contact the leader, Joel Geier, to arrange for pre-night bunkhouse stay and directions. Dec. 16 - Saturday - Elko - Contact Bristlecone Audubon for information. Dec. 17 - Sunday - Carson City (no volunteers needed). Dec. 18 - Monday - Winnemucca - Meet 7:00 am at the Winnemucca BLM Office, 5100 E. Winnemucca Blvd., Contact Kristin Ross. Dec. 20 - Wednesday - Woodfords - Contact: Dan Williams. Dec. 31 - Sunday - Minden - Meet at 7:00 am at The Nature Conservancy’s River Fork Ranch Preserve, 381 Genoa Lane, Minden, Contact Jim Woods or Ben Sonnenberg. Jan. 1 - Monday - Pyramid Lake - Contact Dennis Serdehely. |
January 2025