Photos courtesy of Judy Duffy. On the morning of April 28th, volunteer Judy Duffy led a field trip exploring Damonte Ranch Wetlands. The following is her write-up: "The group met at 8 am on a brisk, breezy and partly cloudy day. We had a productive morning as we circled the marsh, enjoying the spring symphony of red-winged and yellow-headed blackbirds framed by the lively twangs of marsh wrens and song sparrows. We observed a nice variety of ducks: ruddies, gadwalls, northern shovelers, a northern pintail, and a large group of Mallard ducklings. Shorebirds including a willet, long-billed dowitchers, California gulls, black-necked stilts, American avocets, least sandpipers, and our highlight of the walk – a small flock of white-faced ibis feeding enthusiastically in the Damonte pond shallows. We also noted a red-tailed hawk nest with parent perched atop it – no sign of fledges yet there. All in all an enjoyable morning of birding, and we logged 42 species!" -Judy To see the full bird species list click below: |
January 2025