On Friday February 18th, Jeff Bleam led a Field Trip at Boynton Slough. Jeff's Field Trip was part of our Great Backyard Bird Count celebration. Below is Jeff's write up. Click the button below to see Jeff's Field Trip report, which includes his full species list, and more of his photographs. We also included a link to our full Great Backyard Bird Count results as well.
Another cool start but the sun was above the mountains so there was the warm of the rising sun. It was very quiet along the north section of the slough and we saw WHITE-CROWNED SPARROW and only 2 COOTS, fly over of 2 GADWALLS and 2 MALLARDS. Heading east we started to find birds. More Coots and Mallards, 1 WIGEON, many CANADA GEESE, and the continuing GRAYLAG GOOSE (DOMESTIC), which showed up in the summer of 2021. The locals have name the Graylag Walter (or Wanda if its a female). We heard a VIRGINIA RAIL, found RUDDY DUCKS with 3 males molting into the breeding plumage of rusty body and blue bill. We also saw 2 COOPERS HAWKS, a HARRIER, and 6 RED-TAILED HAWKS. The BLACK-CROWNED NIGHT HERONS were in their regular place and 2 MOUNTAIN CHICKADEES. As we return to the parking area we encountered 36 GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GEESE, 2 CACKLING, and many YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLERS fly catching. We ended the walk with 42 species. -Jeff Bleam |
January 2025