All photos were taken on the field trip and courtesy of Judy Duffy. Check out her website here: On Sunday, December 12th, Kath Giel led a birding field trip at Oxbow Nature Study Area. There were 8 enthusiastic birders who braved the impending storm, newcomers to Reno as well as long term residents, some of whom had never been to this nature study area. Judy Duffy compiled an eBird checklist. Below is the summary and highlights of the event:
Oxbow Nature Study Area, a lovely retreat at the end of Dickerson Road on the Truckee River, was relatively quiet today, but we were graced by at two RED-SHOULDERED HAWKS that followed us on our walk, delighting us with a wonderful opportunities to see their beautiful field marks. We saw several HERMIT THRUSHES in the brush as well as MOUNTAIN CHICKADEES, SPOTTED TOWHEES, LESSER GOLDFINCH, and AMERICAN ROBINS. The river was unusually quiet, though in addition to MALLARDS we saw two COMMON GOLDENEYES, the female adeptly moving through the rapids by the wooden deck area. We also saw NORTHERN FLICKERS, STELLAR'S JAYS, CALIFORNIA SCRUB-JAYS, and a huge murder of AMERICAN CROWS. By the end of the walk we had seen 20 species. We enjoyed the nearly two hours of birding on a beautiful day, enjoying our birding and making new friends. The above photos were taken by enthusiastic birder and nature photographer Judy Duffy. |
August 2024